
S.P.O.T collaborates with public and private bodies, from every part of the globe, in search of creative solutions for their projects.


S.P.O.T cre­ates, or­ga­nizes and pro­duces a va­ri­ety of pro­jects which in­tend to pro­vide cul­tural ex­pe­ri­ences di­rectly linked to the no­tion of iden­tity and com­mu­nity.


Organising a wedding, with all its details, suppliers and opinions, can be quite confusing. S.P.O.T.’s role is to simplify the process, from the first step to the last, tending to every detail as if it were the only one.


Through the years we have col­lected a huge amount of ob­jects from sev­eral pro­jects. In a space we call “the shed” we’ve de­cided to or­ga­nize them for those who would like to use them. From plates to nap­kins, cups to chairs, it’s a piece of our world that we make avail­able.
